
Showing posts from October, 2024

Scratchbuilt sci-fi desert town

Bit of a change of pace from usual programming, but fun nonetheless. I recently completed a project that's been brewing for a while: Scratchbuilding a science fiction desert settlement out of junk. Making your own Mos Eisley facsimile seems to be one of those bucket list items for sci fi wargamers - a project everyone wants to get round to eventually. And 'eventually' is the key word here: I've had some of these cardboard boxes and yoghurt pots sitting around in my materials box for years! Reading up on Chris McDowall's The Doomed  and trawling Magpie and Old Lead  gave me the inspiration to finally sit down and start gluing and painting. Witness some of the results below. Some quick notes on methods I used: I built all of this in 15mm scale. I actually started collecting sci-fi in 15mm specifically so I could more easily build terrain like this. And it is a lot  easier - I don't even know how much time and effort it would have taken to try to churn out the same