Solo diversion pt.2: Creating a setting
Let's get some practice with this setting stuff. I had a brainwave earlier: What if I used soloing to help flesh out the lore of my own multi-player campaign? The advantage of this, I thought, would not only be providing prompts for content generation for the campaign, but also that it would give me the opportunity to get to grips with my own lore and setting a bit more. See, I often feel at the table like I'm grasping for something just out of reach, or like the details of my setting are nebulous and undefined (a lot of the time that is the case) - I'm lacking a ready familiarity with the material. Playing around with it, interacting with it with characters of my own, should solidify it in my brain.
So, here's a link to a Google doc in which I play around with creating setting details for my Wave Rats campaign using Ask the Stars. If it wasn't already obvious, the man called Billabong is Crocodile Dundee, but taken to the nth degree; he is literally constituted of the tall tales that surround him. The dwarven library started out very cliché, but started to inform details about the dwarves in my world, who are more elemental and less doughty than usual. Admittedly, lots of these draw on ideas I've had before, and just solidify them, rather than generating new ones outright. But if all I get from this exercise is a way to solidify and organically grow my existing ideas, I'll be happy.
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